internal package
Helper class parses tables to take out table texts, and stores table cell data.
The guts of this routine was initially copied from
and were used in the
ChartPlugin Table object which this was copied from,
but this has been modified to support the functionality needed by the
EditTablePlugin. One major change is to only count and save tables
following an %EDITTABLE{.*}% tag.
This routine basically returns an array of hashes where each hash
contains the information for a single table. Thus the first hash in the
array represents the first table found on the topic page, the second hash
in the array represents the second table found on the topic page, etc.
_trimCellsInRow (\@rowCells)
Trim any leading and trailing white space and/or '*'.
_trimSpaces( $text ) -> $text
Removes spaces from both sides of the text.
Puts tags on a new line to better deal with
TablePlugin variables: because $PATTERN_EDITTABLEPLUGIN is greedy this tag would otherwise be grabbed together with the EDITTABLE tag
Return the contents of the specified cell
Return an entire table, or an empty list