internal package
General LDAP services module. This class encapsulates the platform-specific
means to integrate an LDAP directory service. Used by
for authentication,
Foswiki::Users::LdapUserMapping for group definitions and
Foswiki:Plugins/LdapNgPlugin to interface general query services.
Typical usage
my $ldap = new Foswiki::Contrib::LdapContrib;
filter => 'mail=*@gmx*',
callback => sub {
my ($ldap, $entry) = @_;
# process entry
my $errorMsg = $ldap->getError();
my $count = $result->count();
my @entries = $result->sorted('sn');
my $entry = $result->entry(0);
my $value = $entry->get_value('cn');
my @emails = $entry->get_value('mail');
The cache stores a series of key-value pairs in a DB_File. The following
keys are used:
- WIKINAMES - list of all wikiNames
- LOGINNAMES - list of all loginNames
- GROUPS - list of all groups
- UNKWNUSERS - list of all usernames that could not be found in LDAP (to avoid future LDAP lookups in case caching is OFF)
- UNKWNGROUPS - list of all group names that could not be found in LDAP (to avoid future LDAP lookups in case caching is OFF)
- GROUPS::$groupName - list of all loginNames in group groupName (membership)
- GROUP2UNCACHEDMEMBERSDN::$groupName - list of all DNs (when in memberIndirection mode) that could not be resolved to a user or group existing in the cache when $groupName was retreived from LDAP
- EMAIL2U::$emailAddr - stores the loginName of an emailAddr
- U2EMAIL::$loginName - stores the emailAddr of a loginName
- U2W::$loginName - stores the wikiName of a loginName
- W2U::$wikiName - stores the loginName of a wikiName
- DN2U::$dn - stores the loginName of a distinguishedName
- U2DN::$loginName - stores the distinguishedName of a loginName
Static Method to write a debug messages.
Static Method to write a warning messages.
new($session, host=>'...', base=>'...', ...) → $ldap
Construct a new
Foswiki::Contrib::LdapContrib object
Possible options are:
- host: ip address (or hostname)
- base: the base DN to use in searches
- port: port address used when binding to the LDAP server
- version: protocol version
- userBase: list of sub-trees containing user accounts
- groupBase: list of sub-trees containing group definitions
- loginAttribute: user login name attribute
- loginFilter: filter to be used to find login accounts
- groupAttribute: the group name attribute
- groupFilter: filter to be used to find groups
- memberAttribute: the attribute that should be used to collect group members
- innerGroupAttribute: the attribute that should be used to collect inner groups of a group
- bindDN: the dn to use when binding to the LDAP server
- bindPassword: the password used when binding to the LDAP server
Options not passed to the constructor are taken from the global settings
getLdapContrib($session) → $ldap
Returns a standard singleton
Foswiki::Contrib::LdapContrib object based on the site-wide
connect($dn, $passwd, $host, $port) → $boolean
Connect to LDAP server. If a $dn parameter and a $passwd is given then a bind is done.
Otherwise the communication is anonymous. You don't have to connect() explicitely
by calling this method. The methods below will do that automatically when needed.
Unbind the LDAP object from the server. This method can be used to force
a reconnect and possibly rebind as a different user.
finalize this ldap object.
checkError($msg) → $errorCode
Private method to check a Net::LDAP::Message object for an error, sets
$ldap->{error} and returns the ldap error code. This method is called
internally whenever a message object is returned by the server. Use
$ldap->getError() to return the actual error message.
getError() → $errorMsg
Returns the error message of the last LDAP action or undef it no
error occured.
getCode() → $errorCode
Returns the error code of the last LDAP action
getAccount($loginName) → Net::LDAP::Entry object
Fetches an account entry from the database and returns a Net::LDAP::Entry
object on success and undef otherwise. Note, the login name is match against
the attribute defined in $ldap->{loginAttribute}. Account records are
search using $ldap->{loginFilter} in one of the the subtrees defined in
search($filter, %args) → $msg
Returns an Net::LDAP::Search object for the given query on success and undef
otherwise. If $args{base} is not defined $ldap->{base} is used. If $args{scope} is not
defined 'sub' is used (searching down the subtree under $args{base}. If no $args{sizelimit} is
set all matching records are returned. The $attrs is a reference to an array
of all those attributes that matching entries should contain. If no $args{attrs} is
defined all attributes are returned.
If undef is returned as an error occured use $ldap->getError() to get the
cleartext message of this search() operation.
Typical usage:
callback => sub {
my ($ldap, $entry) = @_;
return unless defined $entry;
# process entry
cacheBlob($entry, $attribute, $refresh) → $pubUrlPath
Takes an Net::LDAP::Entry and an $attribute name, and stores its value into a
file. Returns the pubUrlPath to it. This can be used to store binary large
objects like images (jpegPhotos) into the filesystem accessible to the httpd
which can serve it in return to the client browser.
Filenames containing the blobs are named using a hash value that is generated
using its DN and the actual attribute name whose value is extracted from the
database. If the blob already exists in the cache it is
not extracted once
again except the $refresh parameter is defined.
Typical usage:
my $blobUrlPath = $ldap->cacheBlob($entry, $attr);
tie the cache with $mode.
$mode 'read' ties the cache successfully given that there is only other 'read' locks on it.
$mode 'write' ties the cache successfully given that there is no locks on it.
unties the cache
loads/connects to the LDAP cache
reads a topic-based user mapping from a predefined topic and initializes the internal _topicUserMapping hash
refreshCache($mode) → $boolean
download all relevant records from the LDAP server and
store it into a database.
- mode = 0: no refersh
- mode = 1: normal refersh
- mode = 2: nuke previous decisions on wikiName clashes
refreshUsersCache($data, $userBase) → $boolean
download all user records from the LDAP server and cache it into the
given hash reference
returns true if new records have been loaded
resolveWikiNameClashes($data, %wikiNames, %loginNames) → $integer
if there have been name clashes those entry records
have not yet been added to the cache. They are kept until all clashes have been
found and a deterministic renaming scheme can be applied. Clashed
WikiNames will be
enumerated - WikiName1, WikiName2, WikiName3 etc - and finally added to the database.
The renaming is kept stable by sorting the dn entry of all clashed entries.
returns the number of additional entries that have been cached
refreshGroupsCache($data, $groupBase) → $boolean
download all group records from the LDAP server
returns true if new records have been loaded
cacheUserFromEntry($entry, $data, $wikiNames, $loginNames, $wikiName) → $boolean
store a user LDAP::Entry to our internal cache
If the $wikiName parameter is given explicitly then this will be the name under which this record
will be cached.
returns true if new records have been created
cacheGroupFromEntry($entry, $data, $groupNames) → $boolean
store a group LDAP::Entry to our internal cache
returns true if new records have been created
normalizeWikiName($name) → $string
normalizes a string to form a proper WikiName
normalizeLoginName($name) → $string
normalizes a string to form a proper login
rewriteName($in, $rules) → $out
rewrites a name based on a set of rewrite rules
transliterate($string) → $string
transliterate some essential utf8 chars to a common replacement
in latin1 encoding. the list above is not exhaustive.
use to add more recodings
getGroupNames($data) → @array
Returns a list of known group names.
isGroup($wikiName, $data) → $boolean
check if a given user is an ldap group actually
getEmails($loginName, $data) → @emails
fetch emails from LDAP
getLoginOfEmail($email, $data) \@users
get all users matching a given email address
getGroupMembers($groupName, $data) → \@array
isGroupMember($loginName, $groupName, $data) → $boolean
check if a given user is member of an ldap group
getWikiNameOfLogin($loginName, $data) → $wikiName
returns the wikiName of a loginName or undef if it does not exist
getLoginOfWikiName($wikiName, $data) → $loginName
returns the loginNAme of a wikiName or undef if it does not exist
getAllWikiNames($data) → \@array
returns a list of all known wikiNames
getAllLoginNames($data) → \@array
returns a list of all known loginNames
getDnOfLogin($loginName, $data) → $dn
returns the Distinguished Name of the LDAP record of the given name
getDnOfWikiName($wikiName, $data) → $dn
returns the Distinguished Name of the LDAP record of the given name
getWikiNameOfDn($dn, $data) → $wikiName
returns the wikiName used by a given Distinguished Name; reverse of getDnOfWikiName()
changePassword($loginName, $newPassword, $oldPassword) → $boolean
checkCacheForLoginName($loginName, $data) → $boolean
grant that the current loginName is cached. If not, it will download the LDAP
record for this specific user and update the LDAP cache with this single record.
This happens when the user is authenticated externally, e.g. using apache's
mod_authz_ldap or some other SSO, and the internal cache
is not yet updated. It is completely updated regularly on a specific time
interval (default every 24h). See the
LdapContrib settings.
removeGroupFromCache($groupName, $data) → $boolean
Remove a group from the cache
removeUserFromCache($wikiName, $data) → $boolean
removes a wikiName from the cache
addIgnoredUser($loginName, $data) → \@array
Insert a new user in the list of unknown users that should not be lookedup in LDAP
isUnknownUser($loginName, $data) → $boolean
returns 1 if $loginName is an unknown user that should not be relookedup in LDAP
addIgnoredGroup($groupName, $data) → \@array
Insert a new group in the list of unknown groups that should not be lookedup in LDAP
isUnknownGroup($groupName, $data) → $boolean
returns 1 if $groupName is an unknown groups that should not be relookedup in LDAP
checkCacheForLoginName($groupName, $data) → $boolean
grant that the current groupName is cached. If not, it will download the LDAP
record for this specific group and its subgroups and update the LDAP cache with the retreived records.
This happens when the precache mode is off. See the
LdapContrib settings.
getGroup($groupName) → Net::LDAP::Entry object
Fetches a group entry from the database and returns a Net::LDAP::Entry
object on success and undef otherwise. Note, the group name is match against
the attribute defined in $ldap->{groupAttribute}. Account records are
search using $ldap->{groupFilter} in the subtree defined by $ldap->{groupBase}.
fromLdapCharSet($string) → $string
decode strings coming from ldap
Load the session, sanitize the login name and make sure its user information are already